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You, me, my mind, and a computer…

Silence the Noise May 19, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — Laura @ 6:49 pm
Where is Jesus amidst all the chaos in our lives? How can I hear him when there’s thousands of things pulling at me every day? Even as I have been desperately trying to allow Jesus to be my one and all in my life, I still find it difficult to keep my brain and my life from feeling so scattered! What to do, what to do……
I have found recently that it can become easy to say that I know God through the ministries I’m involved in or through the gifts he may give me. But whatever happened to digging so deep into the heart of God that you desire to just know HIS heart. Searching deep in the well of his goodness and divinity and resting in the fact that He knows my heart.

Nothing less. It’s not about me!
(…and I’m preaching to myself)

Maybe I should preface and say that I’m reading Isaiah today and I think it’s got my brain workin a little to hard this morning 🙂
Often times I feel like my heart is buried under so much clutter that I find myself having to take a week or so and dig it out so that it’s completely empty and ready for the Lord to pour into it. It’s because every day I neglect to quiet my heart and sit, completely silent, in the stillness of His love. I know full well in my mind that that’s what it takes to live differently in the world, but why don’t I do it? I rob myself the greatest opportunity, far beyond what I could accomplish through phone calls, working, meeting up with friends, ministering to people, etc. Although all these things are fantastic, I tend to start running in circles in my week rather than taking time to rest on Jesus’ heart; listen to his heart beat and what it says.
In times of trials and testing, like I’m facing now… I learn that God is truly my only source of rejuvenation. I have the opportunity to sit at his feet and be completely understood, completely loved, and completely honest. No other relationship on this Earth is able to do that.
I am learning, and will continue to learn throughout my life, that my tank empties quickly and after a few days of running around on auto-pilot, all I have left are fumes. What do fumes do? Right. Nothing. Where do they go? Right again. Nowhere.
I really need to learn to walk in the spirit not just when I want to, but at all times. I need to learn to consistently draw close to His presence. I know if I do, I will be more in tune with the dreams of God. How exciting to be able to know what the maker of the Universe plans on doing and, better yet, trusting me to help carry it out. Whoa.
Lord, help me. To not just know about you, but to know you.
I long to trust on the things that God is doing in my life now. I don’t want to rely on what He taught me yesterday or a few years ago. God is constantly moving and bringing new things in my life. I won’t be stagnant. I won’t allow myself to be dependent on stale bread. God is the living bread. I want to know how he is living and moving now.
Now I’m just meditating on Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” So simple yet SO good.
Am I content to sit quietly before the Lord for however long, asking nothing of Him but that He would make Himself known and come a little closer? Not expecting Him to work situations out, or provide in any way, or bless this or that. Just simply notice that He truly is everything.
Even in the midst of a crazy, mixed up world (or even just in my crazy, mixed up mind sometimes) 🙂 God is still searching for those who can’t wait to discover Him. He is the same yesterday and forever. In a world that seems like it’s going nuts, we can still turn to the One who has always known what’s going on, and how to calm our hearts.These are the times when we need to be closest to His heart. In a time when we have no idea what’s truth or lie, it’s important to seek the only truth.
Jeremiah 29:11
Proverbs 1:33
Colossians 3:1
Psalm 37:3

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